Gridley Business Improvement District

GBID, 850 Hazel St., Gridley, CA 95948

Jerry Fichter, Executive Director

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Peach Canning

While this is not totally related to the BID, I think it ties in.

Monday August 16th I had the great opputunity to learn and participate in peach canning at Windmill Farms. They had also been canning pickels and green beans, and still have more to come.

I had sooo much fun and learned a lot. I think my fear of canning has been lifted.

I look forward to trying to make some since out of what all is going on in the garden at my house. We have growing lots of tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos, and corn to say the least. I think I see salsa and relish in my future. Then comes fall/winter and seven orange trees. We will see what comes of that.

Thanks again Frank and Paula, family & friends!!!!